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About Myself: Kris3c - A Fusion of “Kri” and “Sec”

I’m Krish Arse, widely recognized as Kris3c. I’m a 19-year-old from India (Bharat), and I have a profound interest in the cyber world.

Early Passion for Computers

My fascination with computers began in my childhood. Even during my school days, when I was in the 7th standard, I used to boast to my friends that I could perform hacks (albeit, with the help of tools like Lucky Patcher). This garnered me a great deal of respect within my circle of friends.

As time went on, and I progressed to the 10th standard, people started asking me how to get started in the field. At that point, I began my quest to find the answer to that very question. During this search, I stumbled upon BittenTech’s YouTube channel. One of his workshop videos particularly caught my attention. It demonstrated an SQL injection on DAWN. I delved into his channel and read numerous articles to create my own roadmap. That’s when the transformation from Krish Arse to Kris3c began, a name derived by combining “Kri” from Krish and “Sec” from security, and it all unfolded during my 11th standard.

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