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KPMG Bakery - Web Challenge 2 - KPMG CTF

Date : 22 Dec 2023 Friday

Hey Hackers, I forgot to capture screenshots while i was solving the challenge but i will provide as much as possible context to create the whole scenario with words. «

Table of Content

  1. Background
  2. Recon
  3. Exploitation
  4. Conclusion


KPMG team is expert in giving useless descriptions for the challenges but still according to the description :

This is KPMG Backery



By running Nmap against the server as expected there is no intersting port open just “80” and “443”.

Directory Busting - Gobuster

Nothing interesting returned bu the gobuster only the /js directory having a single file with non-juicy information.

Analysing the Application

I Tried to create a diagram so that it will be easy to imagine the application x00


Bakery Button

When we click on the button it will take us to a page where two lines of code is revealed

$pattern = "/script/i";
$payload = preg_replace($pattern, '', $payload);

From the above code we can easily understand its a PHP code that is using the preg_replace function to replace the “Script” keyword blank space ‘ ‘.

Let’s Try to Enter the Script keyword in the Search box

Yaah Our understanding was accurate script is filtered.

Exploitation - preg_replace bypass

As the application is filtering the “Script” keyword we will try to bypass it and execute the XSS attack.

In the Exposed code /i flag is used with the keyword that means application will filter the word in-case-sensitive in simple words making the word upper or lower will not work for us.

Test case

When I am entering any word concatenated with the “script” keyword application only filters the “script” keyword and the other word remains the same :

Example : scriptscri -> scri

I think you got the idea !!! YESS we can just create a long word having script concatenate with the half of the script itself what i mean to say is

Payload : alert(document.cookie)

There is a cookie disclosing the path of a file and upon accessing the file we got the flag.


In this writeup we understood how we can bypass the PHP function preg_replace() and execute the XSS attack.